D.O | |
Range | 0 To 20 PPM |
Resolution | 0.1 PPM |
Temperature Comp. | Automatic With Pt 100 Probe & Manual With Keys |
Pressure Adjustment | 0 To 999 Mm Of Hg Manual |
Salinity Correction | 0 To 20 Gm/1 (manual) |
Calibration | Automatic |
Accuracy | +2% + 1 Digit 1 |
Temperature | |
Range | -20.0 To +200 °C |
Resolution | 0.1 °C + |
Accuracy | 0.2% |
Input Type | Pt 100 |
Calibration | Manual |
Display | |
Display | 16x2 LCD |
Display Format | Temp & DO Simultaneously |
Setting | By Soft Touch Keys |
Storage | 1000 Samples With Date &time |
Interface | USB |
Real Time Display | 24 Hour Mode With Date |
Power Supply | 230 V +10% Ac 50 Hz |
Digital Output | USB |
Print Format | A Data Date Wise |
- pH Electrode
- Instruction Manual
- Buffer Solutions
- Dust cover
- Electrode stand
- Temp probe